Bullying isn’t just a problem for teenagers. More and more people are reporting workplace bullies. According to Safe Work Australia (SWA), the national average rate of workplace bullying has risen by 40%. This is backed up by independent data from the mental health organisation Beyond Blue, which claims that nearly half of all working Australians would be bullied throughout their careers.
Workplace bullying may happen to anybody at any time. Bullying by a boss—the person accountable for your progress inside the company—is possibly the most difficult circumstance to deal with.
Often, people are unaware that their employer is bullying them. Instead, they feel they have a difficult manager or one that merely demands results from their staff. However, recognizing workplace bullying is critical because it may have serious implications.
Read on to discover the indicators of a bully boss and where you can find labour attorneys in Brisbane.
Consider if your boss’s behaviour fulfils these characteristics, which might indicate workplace bullying if you feel singled out by them.
Bullying bosses cast doubt on your abilities by dismissing your thoughts and opinions. This type of conduct might occur in secret or in front of others. They may also blame you for issues at work while bragging about how fantastic results are due to their abilities.
If you don’t work long hours and sacrifice personal time, a hostile supervisor may doubt your devotion to the job. Even then, you’ll probably never be able to gratify them completely.
Some supervisors keep an eye on you or even follow you around. They might listen in on your private talks, read your mail, or mess with your items or work equipment. When you’re away from the office, it’s not unusual to discover a bully boss prowling around. In the end, they’re seeking something to use against you.
If you’re experiencing this, you can contact an employment lawyer in Brisbane.
Bullies don’t want you to succeed because they’ll lose control over you if you do. Consequently, they may penalize you for mistakes that aren’t your fault or bring up earlier blunders during a debate to shift responsibility.
They might also prevent you from applying for a promotion, a transfer, or more training. They may even micromanage or over-control your job or tasks. More manipulative bullies will offer you promotions or increases in exchange for more labour, but they will never follow through on their claims.
Bullying bosses may socially isolate you. They don’t invite you to corporate trips, athletic activities, or after-hours meetings, and they leave you off party lists. When they know you’re on vacation or have a problem with your schedule, they may organize meetings for you.
Furthermore, they may make critical judgments while you are away from the workplace. They may even refuse to let you participate in company meetings or meals.
Bullies are notorious for going to tremendous efforts to make others appear terrible. As a result, they may spread rumours about your job, looks, health, or personal life to others. They may fabricate information about you in an attempt to harm your reputation. Their purpose is to persuade people that you deserve the treatment you’re getting.
Threatening to fire you to maintain power and control is an example of intimidating conduct. A manager who is bullying you may make threatening gestures or threaten you with bodily assault. Towering over you, violating your space, and offering threatening stares are all instances of intimidating conduct.
Employees are frequently subjected to bullying and harsh treatment by their superiors out of fear of losing their jobs or causing a stressful situation. Bullying is harmful to your health, but it is also likely to persist if you do nothing about it. If you feel like you’re walking on eggshells around your boss, or if you’re uncomfortable, depressed, or afraid around your employer, it’s time to stand up to the bullying by consulting with workplace lawyers in Brisbane.
Our team of attorneys at Saines Legal is competent and well-informed in all aspects of employment law. We take a unique approach to each of our clients’ requirements. Contact us if you’re looking for an employment lawyer in Brisbane.