While starting a new job can be quite exciting, especially if you’ve been looking for one for quite a while in Australia, it can be quite disheartening when you find yourself exploited, bullied, or even harassed at work. Of course, these are serious issues that you need to be aware of, but sometimes, you can easily mistake something as exploitation when, in fact, your expectations were just way too high. What do we mean by this? Well, a great example of this is when you believe you should’ve been paid more but aren’t.
So, how do you know if you are being exploited or discriminated against at work? Let’s talk about that:
When you know your role, you will also be more confident about it.
Let us ask you this: are you the kind of great employee that goes beyond the call of duty to make sure that your work is done on time, even if the role isn’t really part of your work? Do you work extra hours because you think you’re making your boss or even your clients happy by doing so?
If you answer yes, good for you! You’re an amazing employee, and you are a great asset to your company. However, if you answered no, it doesn’t make you any less amazing. The catch here is that if you feel like you are unfairly treated, that should be a warning sign to you.
Part of being a good employee is not only doing the tasks given to you but also completing all the tasks that are assigned to you on time and with great quality, no matter how familiar they are to you! If you’re working well, the chances are that you will be treated much better. However, this doesn’t mean you should go the extra mile because you feel forced. If you are forced, then that might be a sign you are being exploited.
When you don’t know your limits, you can be easily pushed to the brink, and you won’t be able to effectively say no when the things you are asked to do are way beyond what you can give. This sets you up for exploitation and also disaster.
How do you know your limits? Well, the first step is to know yourself, and that comes with taking stock of your traits and characteristics. You should also relate your traits and characteristics to the tasks you do at work. You will easily see where you are lacking.
The next step is to know what your work requires of you. Generally, if someone asks you to do something that’s out of your line of work, that’s a flag you should be wary of. On the other hand, if their request fits in line with your job, there shouldn’t be a problem.
Now, we know you’d love to earn more than the minimum wage, but that’s not something you can choose. It’s something the government decides, so you have to know what that is.
The minimum wage in Australia is $21.38 an hour in 2022, but remember that this number can change. Regardless, when you know this, then you can calculate your work hours and the pay you should be getting. If you’re getting lower, chances are you’re being exploited!
Working hard without being rewarded is just one part of being exploited; bullying, threats, harassment, and discrimination are all parts of this as well. However, even if you’re not getting the money your work is worth, you should at least have a work environment that is free from discrimination and threats. If you’re having these issues, don’t let it go on for too long. Be sure to reach out to a lawyer who can assist you in understanding whether you are being exploited and what you can do about it.
Saines Legal is a team of lawyers that have the experience and knowledge you need to make the most out of your employment. If you are looking for an employment lawyer in Australia to help you with your case, get in touch with us today!